
Pre-wedding photography at Temple Newsam Leeds - James and Paul

It felt like the hight of summer at Temple Newsman as I met Paul and James for their pre -wedding photo shoot yesterday. It was around 19 degree as the sun shone down, but there were many reminders that it is in fact the start of Spring. The blossom trees are is in full bloom and daffodils add yellow splashes everywhere you look and a few butterflies can be spotted. The grounds of Temple Newsam are vast and there’s lots to see. If you haven’t visited Temple Newman in Leeds, it’s well worth a trip. It has the historic house, the park and lakes that are perfect for walks or an engagement photo shoot. There’s the walled garden and a recently added a farm yard for little ones. I really enjoyed this time with Paul and James. We talked much of their upcoming wedding at Left Bank in Leeds and we couldn’t say no to an ice cream. I’m really looking forward to their big day as Left Bank. It is a grade 2 listed building, originally a church. .So the interior will be beautiful and I suspect I may see a few familiar faces from an Otley Chevin wedding I photographed a few years back. It’s all very exciting !

Here are the highlights from James and Paul’s engagement photo shoot at Temple Newsam in Leeds.

If you’re getting married and looking for a Yorkshire wedding photographer, I’d love to hear from you.